Brillouin microscopy

TIME: 1:00pm
WHEN: 17 July, 2024
Join us for this exciting QUBIC Seminar Series event.
Brillouin microscopy
Speaker: A/Prof. Irina Kabakova, University of Technology Sydney (UTS)
Date: Wednesday 17 July, 1pm – 2pm
Zoom: Click here to join the seminar
Dr Irina Kabakova is an Associate Professor in Optical Physics and an Associate Head of School (Education & Students) with the School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences, UTS. She specialises in developing novel microscopy techniques based on Brillouin light scattering that can be directly applied to map local compressibility and viscoelasticity of cells and tissues at the microscale. She also has interests in photonic integration and miniaturisation of imaging setups that will enable translation of laboratory techniques towards clinical use. As a dedicated educator, Irina has contributed to the development of several teaching programs for UTS’s Bachelor of Science in Physics degree (Optics, Medical Devices and Diagnostics, Medical Imaging Technology). She is a core member of the Institute of Biomedical Materials and Devices (IBMD@UTS). To date, she has attracted a combined total of over $70m in research funding – a major achievement in a relatively short scientific career. She is a Chief Investigator in the Australian Research Council Centres of Excellence in Quantum Biotechnology (QUBIC) and Optical Microcombs for Breakthrough Science (COMBS).
The field of micromechanical characterisation of biological materials, tissues and cells has grown in demand due to the uncovered strong links between the function of cells and tissues and their mechanical properties. For example, stem cells fate is determined by the mechanics of their environment, and evidence suggests that many terminal diseases such as cancers are associated with pathological changes in cell elasticity and their ability to migrate within the human body. Due to microscopic scale of cells and their internal structure, it is important to assess viscoelastic properties of cells and tissues with micrometre resolution and in 3D. Modern day technologies are catching up with such a demand by offering a number of possible solutions, one of which is Brillouin microscopy, a recently developed technology formed as a combination of Brillouin light scattering microscopy and confocal imaging. In this seminar, I will share the work of my research group at UTS in the field of Brillouin microscopy and discuss recent exciting projects we had chance to contribute. I will conclude the seminar with the brief overview of the current trends that I believe will form the future of Brillouin microscopy field.
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